Sunday 24 November 2013

Verb Patterns - verb + to/ verb + verb-ing

Some verbs are followed by the 2nd verb with a gerund (-ing form), some verbs are followed by to + infinitive (to + 1st form) and some can be followed by both!

Many verbs of preference - love, like, hate and others such as begin and prefer - can be followed by both with no change of meaning.

I like eating chocolate
I like to eat chocolate

Other verbs of preference - including enjoy, detest and others - have to be followed by a gerund (verb-ing)

I can't stand losing you ( A song by the Police - youtube it!)

Yet more different verbs - including refuse, hope, promise = must be followed by to + infinitive (to + 1st form)

I refuse to let you go home early

Stop, remember and try can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive but the meanings are different - this is  the part which caused problems!

Stop + verb-ing means to stop doing an action

I stopped drinking my coffee.

Stop + to + 1st form  means that you stop  doing one thing in order to do another

I was drinking my coffee when I stopped to eat my chocolate

Remember + verb-ing - means you remember the action itself

I remember drinking my tea, it was nice and hot and tasted wonderful

Remember + to + 1st form means that you did not forget to do it

I remembered to drink my tea this morning, yesterday I didn't and it got cold!

Try + to + 1st form means to try something but not be successful

I tried to open the window but I couldn't as it was stuck.

 Try + verb-ing means to try something as an experiment to see what will happen.

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