Thursday 3 November 2011

Cleft Sentences & Pseudo Cleft Sentences

Cleft sentences sound really horrible and complicated and scare the crap out of some students but it is really not so complicated.

Cleft sentences are used to emphasise a noun(thing)

Base sentence - Andrzej went to Amsterdam last weekend

1st version - It was Andrzej who went to Amsterdam last weekend - focus on who
2nd version - It was Amsterdam that Andrzej went to last weekend - focus on where
3rd version - It was last weekend that Andrzej went to Amsterdam - focus on when

The base structure is

It + 'BE' + focus(noun) + relative clause

This is often used to correct people in spoken English

Q. Did Kamil go to Amsterdam last weekend?
A. No, it was Andrzej who went to Amsterdam last weekend. Kamil went to Berlin.

NB 'It' can be replaced by a noun phrase in certain circumstances

The reason Kamil went to Berlin was to play chess

Psuedo cleft sentences sound even worse  but are just as easy. They emphasise an action.

Base sentence - Norbert washed his socks last weekend.

1st version - What Norbert did was wash his socks last weekend. - focus on action and time
2nd version - What Norbert did last weekend was (to) wash his socks - focus on action

The base structure is

What + noun + 'BE' + focus (action)

This structure is often used to clarify things

Three cubed is equal to twenty-seven. What I mean is three times three times three is twenty-seven

Or your likes and dislikes

What I really like is eating chocolate in front of the TV :)

Or to correct people

Did you say you would give me your car?
No, what I said was that I will lend you my car for the week!